Helping you create the family you dreamed of.

Natural Fertility
Sometimes getting pregnant is harder than it should be.
I'd like to introduce you to James and Julia and their beautiful daughter. This is all in their own words.
James and Julia's Fertility Story: or How they finally had their beautiful baby daughter.

James was 41 and Julia was 37 when they first started trying for a baby .
At work one evening, I fainted. Now I know this was our first loss. It was a chemical pregnancy. We had been trying naturally for nearly a year before going to the doctor. We didn’t know we could have gone earlier at 6 months of trying because we are older than 35.
Once at the GP we were referred for fertility tests at the fertility clinic at QMC right as way, again because of our ages! Bloods and semen were taken from us both. The results showed I had a hormone imbalance, low progesterone, high cortisol with adrenal fatigue. James’s semen was great and he has super sperm the consultant told us. Thank god for that!
Our first meeting at the fertility clinic where they examined my reproductive system, ovaries, tubes and uterus using scans and internal examination. We were told to take Clomid first and were also offered one free round of IVF (in-vitro fertilisation). No IUI (Intrauterine insemination) was offered due to our ages.
We decided to try taking the Clomid first, as we were not ready for the IVF journey and wanted to try other options first.
I spoke with a couple friends of mine who are alternative health professionals and therapist about our journey so far. I was told that Clomid has terrible side effects and can't be taken for long. As I had been making lots of lifestyle changes it made sense to go down the natural fertility route. I already had the Clomid tablets in my hand but I did lots more research and reading. The side effects were not for me.
So that was final, the natural route was for us!
The Natural Route to Fertility Health.
Meanwhile, the lifestyle changes I made were making me feel like I was doing something positive. I needed to de-stress my body as well as my mind.
These changes include yoga, eating organic fresh foods, Epsom salt baths, walks in nature, going chemical free with skin care and many other household items. We both already ate quite healthy but switching to a plant-based diet added an extra bonus to our health. Our mindset definitely needed working on too.
This was about the time we meet with Katherine. It made sense what she was saying about our fertility health and how we could help it further. Katherine treated our general health and reassured us this could help balance my hormones so we could get pregnant naturally.
This was music to our ears. Herbal medicine is a marvel and Katherine was a joy to work with, so knowledgeable and caring.
We both put our faith in Herbal medicine, we believed it would work. It all felt really positive. It was exciting knowing that we would get the result we wanted. Just 3 months working with Katherine and my hormones were balanced.
Enough to get that positive pregnancy test.
We were over the moon! It had worked! You can get pregnant naturally with the right support..
This is the very beautiful Margot!

Herbal medicine is a marvel and Katherine was a joy to work with, so knowledgeable and caring.
Julia Church, Mother of Margot. Nottingham
Sadly This pregnancy wasn't to be and at 6 weeks we miscarried.
Unfortunately, at just 6 weeks pregnant I started to bleed. I had had a silent miscarriage. We were devastated and heartbroken. We both felt empty and lost. Grieving for the future that was stolen away from us.
Now we know its very common to miscarriage and also to conceive again. This gave us hope.
Katherine was great and was there for us every step of the way. Her support was increasingly invaluable.
We toned down trying to conceive. I was hoping that I would get pregnant right away again like you hear from so many women. This did not happen for us. A few months later we when back to Katherine and started the process again.
We thought to give this another shot and see what happens. So back on the herbal tinctures again to regain my hormone balance.
The next new year came. We had been trying again for months and we were getting nowhere. We just had to keep reminding ourselves that it all takes a whole lot of time!
But that new year I felt different. My mindset had changed. My belief was suddenly beaming from me,
I felt uplifted. Nothing could stop me,
I just knew this year would be our year to fall pregnant.
We had also decided to go for our free round of IVF. Because it had been two years since been offered this we had to do the blood and semen tests again. We didn’t really think any more about this. Our consultation at the fertility clinic was in April. We went and got told we would not qualify for IVF at all! This was because with Katherine's help I had improved my hormones levels! But again, we felt lost and heartbroken. What shall we do now? We felt exhausted and wondered whether we should throw in the towel...
We Concieved Naturally.
But… Just two days after that consultation we conceived naturally!
This was a year from becoming pregnant last time. We couldn’t quite believe it. This time it stuck and we were so happy and excited.
Katherine of course was over the moon and so pleased for us. If it wasn’t for her it may never have happened.
She is still in touch and helping and advising us on our health. We have found a treasure in Katherine and we are not going to let her go!
Herbal medicine works and she has proven this time and time again with both of us.
Herbal medicine works and has been proven time and again with all three of us.

If you think there's no hope then that's the time to come and have a chat.
Most people who come and see me have already been trying unsucccessfully for months, have failed IVF attempts behind them and are loosing faith in their ability to have a child. Improving your health and looking at ways you can change your lifestyle and diet to introduce more fertility freindly approaches into your life will always improve the situation.
Most people who come and see me have already been trying unsucccessfully for months, have failed IVF attempts behind them and are loosing faith in their ability to have a child. Improving your health and looking at ways you can change your lifestyle and diet to introduce more fertility freindly approaches into your life will always improve the situation.
Male infertility
female infertiltiy
low progesterone
Everything appears to be fine but "it's just not happening"
Getting pregnant but loosing the baby
High FSH levels
I've worked successfully with people suffering all of these problems.

I didn't want anyone to know we needed help and Katherine protected our privacy. No one ever heard from anyone but us.
K. Nottingham

You Are What you Eat and Fertility is no different
Eating a healthy diet can be very helpful but knowing what is right for fertility health is a minefield.
Women who work with me find improving their diet and taking herbal medicine improves their chances of conceiving naturally and of successful IVF.
In cases where egg quality and follicle number have been poor my patients have reported improvements in quality and number of healthy eggs. Typically my patients have produced grade 'A' eggs and hatching blastocysts at egg harvest and implantation.
Men: Around 48% of infertility originates with a male partner. Sperm quality, number and motility have improved in my male patients using herbs, diet and lifestyle changes.
Occasionally supplementation with micronutrients may also be necessary.


147 Loughborough Road
West Bridgford | Nottingham
Nottinghamshire | NG2 7JS