I'm Katherine Bellchambers MNIMH,
The Medical Herbalist.
My Patients get to forget about their health and get their lives back!
From Periods To Pensions.
Did you used to think nothing for dashing out into the night at 2am to pick up a teenager from a club and still bounce into work? Did you used to dance all night and now you barely have the energy to put the milk in your cocoa?
Do you wonder how the mind that got you so far up the career ladder now seems to have gone into hiding? Did you think nothing of running 20 different projects but now reach for your pajamas at the thought of going to work tomorrow?
Are you a woman or non binary person who would like to know when your period is going to turn up?
Unpredictable emotions
Joint Pain
Time of the month that is is all month or more than it should be
Heavy or heavier monthly bleed
Unusually light or absent bleed
Pain (pelvic or elsewhere)
Dull and lifeless skin
Dull and Lifeless Mood
Upset by little things
Your inner monster getting out more than it should
Digestive problems that don't seem to have a cause
Vaginal dryness or discomfort
Lowered libido
Less interest in life
Weight gain
If you are experiencing any or all of these symptoms it sounds like you might need some help with your hormones.
I help women, and people who menstruate, balance their monthly and lifetime changes so that they can forget about their health and get on with living.
Whether it's a teenager with difficult periods, anyone wanting to take control of their menstrual comfort, troubles with fertility or menopausal changes then I'm here to help.
The Nottingham Herbalist, trained and qualified to diagnose and support health problems at any time of life.
Hello, I'm Katherine,
Most people don't know why they feel the way they do but in my experience often the problem is hormone imbalance.
Hormones are the body’s messengers in perfect harmony they create a sense of well being and we easily become pregnant. If even one is out of balance it throws the whole delicate system into disarray. Finding the root cause of your hormonal problem is the key to optimum health and a sense of joy in just being.
Hormones affect whether you are happy or sad, energetic or lethargic, ovulating or not ovulating, in pain or not in pain.
My mission is to help you discover optimum health so you can stop thinking about how you feel and get on and enjoy life.
I also help couples of all dynamics to achieve optimum fertility health so they can welcome the child they long for into the world.
Working with me is a collaborative business. Together we discover your goals and using
herbs, diet and lifestyle changes I help you be the best you can.
I look forward to meeting you.
How I can help?
When people come to see me they are exhausted, distressed and at the end of their tether. Many women are struggling with hot flushes, anxiety, anger, low mood or low energy levels. Perhaps you are suffering from painful, irregular periods, heavy bleeding or even absent periods.
Often they have been through failed IVF and failed or been trying for years and received no diagnosis. Together we unpack the whole story and find what is really going on. By treating you as a whole person rather than a collection of symptoms we can find the key to your health, your fertility, your hormonal imbalances and your exhaustion so you can get on with living your life.
Painful, irregular or difficult periods
Heavy bleeding at any time of life
Low mood
Apparently unexplained anger
Have you spent months or years trying to get pregnant?
Have you received a worrying result to a sperm test?
Are you suffering from anxiety, difficulty making decisions or getting things done?
Hot flushes,
Difficulty sleeping
I can help you turn this around
After giving birth to my daughter 2 years ago it took my body a while to gain back my strength - I followed a very nurturing, warming, Ayurvedic type of postnatal diet which helped me gain my strength. I also breastfed her until very recently and found my hormones very unbalanced lately. I started having irregular, painful periods and night sweats at times, not to mention mood swings and cravings. After nearly a month on Katherine’s mix, I can feel a massive difference. Less cravings, so much less painful periods, no more night sweats and just an overall better feeling!! I couldn't’t recommend her more. Thank you Katherine Bellchambers.
Liana Van Zyl Nottingham
"Our hormones govern the way we feel every minute of every day. Why let them make you feel bad when you could be enjoying life instead"
Holistic Approach
The process starts with a full medical history which gives us a baseline from where I can unpick the knitting of the problem. My patients develop a confidence in my abilities because of the time we spend together and that allows them to relax and engage with the process.
Together we look at your lifestyle, your diet, the challenges you are dealing with and how those affect your health and wellbeing.
We will agree a treatment program and a plan that is achievable and I will prescribe herbs that many women have found helpful in the management of their baseline health issues and in promoting hormonal and/or fertility health. The health programs at Nottingham Herbalist are designed individually to fit the needs of each client.
No two people are the same so it makes sense that no two approaches are the same.
How Can I Help?
147 Loughborough Road
West Bridgford | Nottingham
Nottinghamshire | NG2 7JS